Spring came to the desert...

I have a thing about not caring for blog posts that start with… ‘ wow, life just got crazy and I haven’t blogged in like forever.’ But I think I’m starting to understand why some posts start that way, lol.

McGyver and I took a drive out to the desert area south of Boulder City, NV in the early stages of #Stayhomefornevada. We just had to get out of the house and chose a quiet, uninhabited area to visit. Springtime in the desert doesn’t last long. And what lasts even less is when the desert blooms. It sneaks in and sneaks out quietly. Fortunately, a photog buddy had been out seeking fresh air in the great outdoors and confirmed that the desert was actually in bloom, so off we went.

See, it’s amazing.

We hiked through several areas, just having fun being outside. I had my camera and lenses, he had his metal detector. Couldn’t be happier than McGyver in Home Depot or Lowes.

Desert blooms outside Las Vegas

It was so good to get outside and B.R.E.A.T.H.E !

I hope you found some way to find joy through #pandemic2020. Let me know about your adventures!